Friday, August 21, 2015

Episode 5 - Epilogue of Fun Facts

And thus, our Summer Theme is quietly swallowed by a wave (or as I usually sing it very loudly, "swallowed by a whale" which is a different Decemberists' song).

As we mentioned on the episode, this song provides a strong visual for me.  When I hear "Summersong", this is the image that pops into my head:

Or something else, like this one:

If your mind is now wandering to different topics like old-timey swimwear, why not see where that takes you with this, utterly unrelated to the show, history of the bathing suit.  If you want to get back on track with information about the song itself, here are the requisite links to reviews of the Decemberists album "The Crane Wife" from AllMusic and Wikipedia.

If you search for "Summersong" long enough, you won't find any corroboration of my amazing lyrical theories, but you WILL find:

1) a "Game of Thrones"/teen drama short story
2) a fashion blog about a lady living abroad in the UK and
3) some dude talking about baseball

So many deep thoughts about "Summersong"

Hope you enjoyed the Summer Theme episodes.  Don't forget to write us if you want more of these (or, alternately, less)!

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